Pharmacotherapy also tends to be more cost-effective
in patients with more severe COPD. When applying these results to a specific country or setting, the cost-effectiveness of pharmacotherapy will depend on the distribution of COPD severity among patients, the alternative with which pharmacotherapy is compared, the impact of pharmacotherapy on exacerbations, costs and treatment patterns of exacerbations, and price of pharmacotherapy. Economic evaluations tended to suffer from short-time horizons, restricted scope of included costs and use of various health outcome measures.\n\nConclusionsThere is a case to be made in favour of economic evaluations from the societal perspective that are based on a decision-analytic model to allow for extrapolation beyond the duration of clinical trials and that use generic health outcome measures such as quality-adjusted life years.”
“Purpose: Deriving accurate estimates of the level of Erismodegib sexual coercion is challenging because of the stigma that is attached to the experience. This
study examines the effectiveness of a nonverbal response-card method to reduce social desirability bias in reports of the conditions of sexual initiation among youth in southwestern Ethiopia.\n\nMethods: The conditions surrounding sexual initiation are examined using data from a pilot survey and a final survey of youth aged 13-24 years. Half of the respondents in each survey were randomly assigned to a nonverbal response-card method for sensitive questions on sexual attitudes
and behavior, and the other half of the respondents were assigned to a control group that provided verbal responses. Responses for the two groups to questions regarding the conditions of sexual initiation are compared.\n\nResults: Respondents who used the nonverbal response card were more likely to report pressure from friends or a partner, having sex for money or another gain, and rape as conditions of sexual initiation than those who provided verbal responses. Among sexually experienced youth, 29.3% of respondents who used the card method reported some form of coercion during sexual initiation compared with 19.4% of respondents who gave verbal responses.\n\nConclusions: The nonverbal response card GW4869 purchase provides an effective method for reducing social desirability bias when soliciting responses to sensitive questions in the context of an interviewer-administered survey. The analysis also suggests that coerced sexual initiation is underreported by youth in interviewer-administered surveys that use conventional verbal responses. (C) 2012 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. All rights reserved.”
“Objective: This study explores healthy adolescents’ social representations of diabetes in terms of its definition, origins and prevention.\n\nMethods: Focus groups were conducted with students in Grades 5, 8 and 10 from 4 francophone schools in New Brunswick, Canada.